
Latest News

  • Creation of the District Court of Paris and suppression of the 20 courts of Paris regions

    Le décret du 30 novembre 2017 a institué la création du tribunal d'instance de Paris et par conséquent, la suppression des tribunaux d'instance des vingt arrondissements. L'article 5 du décret précise que ses dispositions entrent en vigueur au 14 mai 2018. A compter de cette date, les nouvelles demandes sont portées devant le tribunal d'instance de Paris. Toutefois, les tribunaux d'instance primitivement saisis demeurent compétents pour statuer sur les procédures introduites antérieurement à la date mentionnée ci-dessus jusqu'aux dates déterminées ainsi qu'il suit, dates au lendemain desquelles ils sont supprimés et les procédures transférées en l'état au tribunal d'instance de Paris, dans les conditions prévues à l'article R. 221-2 du code de l'organisation judiciaire.  

  • Imminent entry into force in France of the provisions of the European Directive on the market for financial instruments (Mifid 2)

    January 3, 2018 is the date of entry into force in France of the European Directive on the market for financial instruments (MiFID 2). Thus, new governance rules for financial products will be introduced. These are part of the objective of strengthening investor protection, with measures allowing them to be offered financial products that correspond to their real financial needs. Who is concerned by these rules? The delegated directive of the European Commission 2017/593 specifies that the rules apply directly to investment firms and management companies domiciled in the European Union.

  • The unconstitutionality of the tax on dividends

    06/10/2017 The French constitutional court has by a decision dated October 6, 2017 declared contrary to the constitution the tax on dividends, implying a levy of 3% on the companies. This is because of a of an infringement of the principle of equality. The costs related to the invalidation of this tax were the subject of an initial estimation of the order of nine billion euros.

  • PLF 2018 : un budget de transformation et de pouvoir d’achat

    PLF 2018 : un budget de transformation et de pouvoir d’achat

  • Presentation

    Lexlor is a law firm specializing in the main areas of business law. Lexlor assists its clients: individuals, companies, investment funds and financial institutions, both in consulting and litigation. Discover our areas of expertise by downloading our brochure.


Upcoming Events

  • The professional real estate event

    On 06, 07 and 08 December 2017 the lawyers of the law firm Lexlor take part in the SIMI. PALAIS DES CONGRES - PORTE MAILLOT - PARIS The professional real estate event (more…)

  • 2nd Village of the LegalTech

    6 and 7 DECEMBER 2017 in PARIS 2nd Village of the LegalTech The French Rendezvous of the #LegalTech. By OpenLaw & Village of Justice. The LegalTech in France is here. The French Salon of the LegalTech is each year a unique meeting place, information and training, organized around an exhibition space, conferences and workshops. (more…)

  • Tax and Customs Commission

    Friday, November 24, 2017 from 9h to 11h Bibliothèque de l'Ordre, Palais de Justice, 4 boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris EDITORIAL GUIDE TO AN APPLICATION OR A PRELIMINARY QUESTION BEFORE THE ECJ AND THE ECHR: REVIEW OF THE FORMAL CONDITIONS OF ADMISSIBILITY. (more…)